Thursday, May 21, 2020

Gay Marriage is An Attack on Christianity Essay - 936 Words

On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy stated in the majority opinion: The court now holds that same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry. No longer may this liberty be denied to them. Many conservatives are completely against gay marriage and they have stated that they will fight to have the Supreme Court ruling overturned. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and I think we ought to codify that one way or another, President Bush said (Hinojosa). From 2003 until present, gay marriage has been a hot issue. Debates rage on the sanctity of marriage and constitutional equal rights.†¦show more content†¦Why should we celebrate Christmas and Easter as national holidays? It?s ludicrous to celebrate something we as a nation have turned our backs on. ?Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their ruler?s John Jay, First Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court (Jennings). Recently the Los Angeles county board of supervisor agreed with the ACLU that the tiny cross on the county?s official seal should be removed, this same seal boldly displayed in the center, the standing golden statue of a pagan goddess Pomona. When this double standard was brought to the board?s attention the pagan goddess symb ol was then also removed. Just recently there has also been another controversy concerning the removal of the cross on mount Soledad. This falling away from Christ can be compared to the great revolt Paul predicted in second Thessalonians 2:3, which states ?For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against god and the man of lawlessness is revealed? (The Bible). This is not to infer that the end of the world will come from gay union; though that It is important we notice the signs and are conscious of events that will forever change the nation and influence the world. Homosexuality has been spreading among the world; same sex marriages are now accepted in Holland, Belgium, and over 82% percent of Canada. Many other countries areShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Gay Marriage1191 Words   |  5 PagesChristina Abreu Professor Peter Lamar Introduction to Classics in Philosophy 6 November 2014 Gay Marriage Thomas Jefferson wrote about â€Å"unalienable rights† in The Declaration of Independence. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Discrimination Due to Skin Color - 1330 Words

North America in modern times is viewed as a land of freedom where people of all different races live together in harmony. Discrimination due to skin color, ethnicity, gender, and sexual preference are punishable by law. With these laws in place one could argue that America was founded with the same foundation. Ironically when the European powers set out to place North America under English rule, random acts of violence and discrimination were common. While the conquest of America is thought of as being based on freedom, equal rights and liberty, evidence suggests that it was founded based on European dominance, spreading of religion, genocide, and the exploitation of slave labor. When the first waves of settlers arrived they brought†¦show more content†¦134). In 1676 conflict arose over the killing of Indians. Facing the threats of future attacks from native, Governor Berkeley suggested that forts be built rather than sending military assistance. Angry with his poor defense idea, Nathaniel Bacon assembled and armed a local militia. Bacon and his army reaped indiscriminate acts of violence against the Indians, going against the wishes of the governor. Jamestown was burned to the ground after the governor and his supporters were forced out to the eastern shore. Nathaniel died from natural causes a month after the attack, allowing Berkeley to return to office and the rebel groups to dissipate. He did not wish to seek independence from Europe, he simply wanted to rid the office of an unworthy ruler and attack the Indians who posed as a threat. As more natives continued to cease, the Europeans begin to influx the lands with indentured servants to cultivate tobacco. Vagrant children between eight and sixteen years of age were prime targets of arrest. These children were homeless and starving allowing the Europeans to feel as if they were working towards the greater good. â€Å"The Virginia Company wanted children to work in the tobacco fields and as a part of a developing strategy to promote family life in the colony,† (Jordon, Don, Walsh, p. 78). The profit margin from tobacco, as well as the fifty acres of land â€Å"promised† for working a fixed termShow MoreRelatedThe Perspectives Of Black Women And Girls Of Darker Skin1629 Words   |  7 PagesIn the documentary, the perspectives of black women and girls of darker skin was examined along with the perceived struggles surrounding their existence within the black community. One of the main interviewees was that of an 8 year old dark complexion girl was noted as saying â€Å"I don’t like to be called black.† The little girl spoke of feeling inferior due to her dark skin. 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The Muslim parents Free Essays

Definition OF THE RESEARCH ITEM This paper will discourse how Moslem parents make the determination of learning their kids in both types of schools, but besides on what footing they make this determination and what are the grounds behind it and whether there is a demand for Islamic schools in Western states. Significance OF THE STUDY What were the grounds that Muslims embarked on edifice over 100 Muslim schools in order to educate their kids with their required instruction and why there are still other Muslims who send their kids to province schools. To understand their pick we have to understand what is Muslim Education is about and the resources and the doctrine of their instruction. We will write a custom essay sample on The Muslim parents or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is n’t a batch of documented literature about the Islamic philosophical instruction in the Western states and the small available has been done by Britain. Some of these diaries have talked about topics refering to what Islamic schools are all about. Is it about Islamic surveies or is at that place more to it than meets the oculus? The surveies undertaken are of an highly important capable pertaining to the Muslim society and they will foreground the issues that the younger coevals of Moslems have to get the better of in order to guarantee that their kids are exposed to the basic spiritual constructs of Islam. Whether it is required that the kid is exposed to the spiritual civilization and construct at that age would be a problematic topic as the upbringing of the kid will be restricted to the society. In Britain the experience in 1970ss was different and 80 % of Muslims were from India and Pakistan and the balance 20 % are from other states of the universe in changing proportions. Schools in the period of the 70 ‘s were more on the lines of civilization instead than faith. LITERATURE REVIEW Muslim parents populating in states that adopt the Western life style, including Australia are faced with the hard pick of make up one’s minding where to direct their kids for regular instruction every bit good as Islamic instruction. Parents frequently want to direct their kids to a full clip Islamic school for surveies or to direct province schools. The inquiry that arises is why Muslim parents will choose to direct their progeny to analyze in a full clip Islamic school over the province schools and this presents the question-do they want to raise their kids with spiritual beliefs or do they merely want to happen a community that makes them experience accepted and wanted? Muslim parents that opt to direct their kids to analyze in Islamic schools are excepting them from interacting with other kids from different civilizations, chiefly Western and this prevents the kid from larning about the Western life style and making their ain Islamic community within it. On the other manus, the Muslim households who send their kid to the province schools provide the kid the chance to a hebdomadal category of spiritual surveies. In Britain, the Muslims send their kids to authorities schools and so they teach them at place or in the mosques. Like any other normal school in the universe, in province schools, kids would frequently confront jobs like know aparting or strong-arming based upon their spiritual orientation. The harm whether it is psychological or physical can impact on the behaviour and can act upon the Muslim pupil ‘s public presentation in the schoolroom. From the Muslim parents ‘ position, the cognition that their kids would have is traveling to be through a secular position and this frequently will be unfastened and indifferent towards any peculiar faith as it would be more attuned to the Western doctrine. This does non settle down good with parents of Muslim kids as a Western instruction doctrine would be against the Theologi cal instruction of Islam and sideline the Islamic instructions. In Britain, mosques play a large function for Muslim kids to have Islamic surveies after school clip but in Australia the bulk of Muslims I have met teach their kids either at place or they send their kids to a Muslim school. The Muslim population in Australia has grown by 69.4 % over a period from 1996 through to 2006. There are 360,000 people that are identified Muslims populating in Australia. Their diverse communities are concentrated chiefly in Sydney and Melbourne. Since the 1970 Muslims established Islamic schools and more than 100 mosques and pray centres ( Department of the Foreign Affairs and Trade in the Australian authorities ) . Were schools built on basic Islamic foundation or on strong, cultural and racial constructions? Some of the Muslims parents of the first and the 2nd coevals born in Britain were non educated in Islam themselves but their belief constructions were extremely influenced from their civilization. The parents ‘ belief construction may match to the life experiences of those populating in rural Pakistan or India. As a consequence they do non harmonize with the life experiences of those who have been born and raised in the West ( Gilliat, 1994, p. 173 ) . However, there are other Islamic schools that started to travel off from the cultural background and have tried to develop into a more incorporate and interracial British oriented Muslim School. An illustration of this is the Islamic School on London that was set up by Yusuf Islam ( once the vocalist Cat Stevens ) . The schools have kids from 25 different nationalities ( Ghaffar, 1997, p160 ) and the large inquiry is: Did the Muslims i n Australia acquire to travel through the same experience every bit good as those in Britain? In other words do they have Muslims schools or do they place the schools based upon classification based upon the nature of surveies being conducted? I could n’t happen adequate surveies about the intents of constructing Islamic schools in Australia but through some research on the cyberspace. It was obvious that the Islamic schools through their portals do non speak about and back up any sort of ethical stereotyping based upon faith and nationality. This was substantiated by interviews of the mark sector as good. Their instruction methods and policies are based upon Islamic values. The topic has a batch of range for farther surveies and required farther research ( Hatina, 2006 ) . From one of the diaries, there was an article on an Australian adopting Muslim values. The writer had an interview with one of the Bangladeshi ‘s background in Perth on which she noted that Australian values are besides cosmopolitan values: As Kabir ( 2008 ) , stated, Australia is really a place to people from assorted background and assorted states and when these people moved from their land they were non merely conveying exposure to other civilizations upon themselves, but they bring with them their values from their ain states. Australian values are truly merely a aggregation of these values. For illustration, the value of giving everyone a just spell, is really much Aussie but it is something that is universally acceptable. Decision Obviously all the treatment about how Muslim instruction ca n’t be separated from political point of position because of the different Islamic positions and manner of life is to research the possibilities for making an environment that will safeguard the rights of the Muslims kids ‘s instruction and fulfill Australia ‘s Muslim community without contriving their ain environment and excepting the kids from the western society while continuing their Islamic individuality. To make such an environment to Muslim ‘s household in Australia we have to construct a span of interaction with the philosophers of the Islam and the West and happen a new manner that is accessible to western ideas without altering the rules and indispensable values of Islam ( Alavi, 2008 ) . We have to retrieve that person who is non an Australian, is besides person who is non a Bangladeshi, or non an Indian or non an Afghan, because each of these states they represent have the same kind of credence of the same kind of cosmopolitan values that define society. In an interview conducted by a journalist Nahid Afrose on the topic â€Å" Are immature Muslims following Australian values † that was conducted on 6th of May 2006 provided an penetration about the mentality of immature Muslims life in Australia. It revealed that Muslims populating in Australia do n’t confront any favoritism and cultural based jobs due to their diverseness of the nationalities in Australia. The diaries negotiations about the political point of position of the Muslims value as a batch of articles and books do. The article ca n’t state much about the Education but I was able to understand that that was one of the grounds that Muslim parents based their pick of schools. Through her survey she mentioned that all of the 32 kids of the survey are in province schools because they come from lower socio economic position. It is approved that one of the issues of Muslims pick is an economic grounds because of the high fees of the Islamic schools ( Gardner A ; Rod 2008 ) . What were the grounds that Muslims embarked on edifice over 100 Muslim schools in order to educate their kids with their required instruction and why there are still other Muslims who send their kids to province schools? To understand their pick we have to understand what is Muslim Education is about and the resources and the doctrine of their instruction. There is n’t a batch of documented literature about the Islamic philosophical instruction in the Western states and the small available has been done by Britain. Some of these diaries have talked about topics refering to what Islamic schools are all about. Is it about Islamic surveies or is at that place more to it than meets the oculus? The surveies undertaken are of an highly important capable pertaining to the Muslim society and they will foreground the issues that the younger coevals of Moslems have to get the better of in order to guarantee that their kids are exposed to the basic spiritual constructs of Islam. Whether it is required that the kid is exposed to the spiritual civilization and construct at that age would be a problematic topic as the upbringing of the kid will be restricted to the society. In Britain the experience in 1970ss was different and 80 % of Muslims were from India and Pakistan and the balance 20 % are from other states of the universe in changing proportions. Schools in the period of the 70 ‘s were more on the lines of civilization instead than faith. How to cite The Muslim parents, Essay examples